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Warehouse Management

The Warehouses section allows users to set up and manage warehouse locations. Here's an overview of this section:

Purpose of the Warehouses section:

       Users can set up new warehouses.

       Existing warehouses can be edited or deleted.

       Users can check the active warehouses and their priority.

       The location of each warehouse can be confirmed.

Locating the Warehouses section:

  1. Log into WowPay.
  2. Go to the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down and click on "Warehouse Management."


  1. Click on "Warehouses."


Creating and setting up a new Warehouse:

  1. Click on the "+ Create New" button. You will be redirected to the Warehouse Settings page to set up the new warehouse.


  1. Fill in the necessary details.


  1. Once completed, click the "Create A New Warehouse" button.


What is the Inventory section for?

The Inventory section allows users to track the stock of each SKU or product in different warehouses. Here's an overview of this section:


Purpose of the Inventory section:

       Users can verify the stock of each SKU or product in each warehouse.

       It provides visibility into the availability of products in different locations.

Locating the Inventory section:

  1. Log into CRM.
  2. Go to the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down and click on "Warehouse Management."
  4. Click on "Inventory."

The inventory page contains:

Warehouses field

By clicking on this field, the users can filter their search by Warehouse, selecting which warehouse from the drop-down menu (see image below)



Products field

By using this field, users can check the inventory of a specific product across all active warehouse in the instance


Shipping Countries field

With this field, users can narrow the search for products inventory based on the country. All warehouses and their products available in the country selected will be listed in the below table


SKU field

In this field, users need to type the specific SKU of the product of which they are seeking information about its inventory


The Sync Inventory button

By selecting the Sync Inventory button


users are requesting an update of the stock of the product(s) to warehouses (see below example):


 This update in real-time is possible ONLY for those Warehouses that have the Keep Conciliation? toggle set to ON.

The Inventory table

The Inventory table has 8 columns showing relevant information about the stock of a product in the Warehouses where it is available.

Please find attached below what each column name refers to.

WH Name

The name of the Warehouse will be displayed in this column



The name of the product will be displayed in this column



The SKU will be shown in this column


Stock Quantity

The stock quantity of each product, or SKU, will appear in this column


When a product is out of stock or reached the minimum acceptable level, the row is highlighted on the Stock Quantity is shown an alert icon image036 


Reserved Now

The amount of products units reserved by customers


Reserved Sent

The amount of products units reserved by customers and already sent



The amount of products units reserved by customers



In this column is shown the total Stock quantity of a product in a specific warehouse, also including the amount of product that has been reserved



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