To create and set up a new coupon:
- Click on the '+ Create New' button.
- Fill in all the fields for each part of the page as guided in the following sections.
- After entering all details, click on the 'Create' button.
You will see all the created coupons listed on the 'Coupon' main page.
Coupon Profile
In this section:
- Enter your coupon name in the 'Profile Name' field.
- Fill in the 'Description' field with your coupon description.
- Switch the 'Is Active?' toggle to ON to make the coupon a valid option in any campaign setting page.
Discount Behaviour
Configure the following options in this section:
● 'Discount Type': Choose an option from the drop-down menu.
● 'Discount Behaviour': Select an option from the drop-down menu.
● 'Discount Percentage': Enter the discount amount as a percentage of the order.
● 'Minimum Dollar Amount of Purchase': Set this as the minimum amount of the order for the customer to be able to use the coupon.
● 'Expiration Date': Establish the coupon's expiration date.
● 'Is Free Shipping?' toggle: Turn this ON if the coupon offers free shipping for the product.
Coupon Codes
Configure the following in this section:
● 'Maximum Usage': Define the maximum usage of the coupon.
● 'Usage per Customer': Specify the number of times/orders that a customer can use the coupon.
● 'Coupon Code': Create the code of the coupon.
Please note, if a value is not specified or set to 0 for 'Maximum Usage' or 'Usage Per Customer', the limit will default to unlimited usage.
Editing an Existing Coupon
To edit an existing coupon, click on the 'Edit' button or the coupon name.
You will be redirected to the product page, where you can make necessary updates. After updating, click on the 'Create' button.
Copying an Existing Coupon
To duplicate an existing coupon:
- Click on the Copy button and confirm the action
- You will be redirected to the copied product where you can make necessary changes.
- After making changes, click on the 'Create' button.
Deleting an Existing Coupon
To remove an existing coupon, click on the 'Delete' button and confirm the action.